It Gfeels like a perDfect night
to Cdress up like hipsDters
AndG make fun of our exeDs,
uh Cuh.. uh Duh..
It Gfeels like a perDfect night
for breakCfast at midDnight
To Gfall in love with stranDgers
uh Cuh.. uh Duh..
* YeaaGaah DWe’re hapCpy free confusDed
and lonely at the sameG time D
It’s misCerable and magDical oh yeahG D
TonightC’s the night when weD forget
about the deadGlines, it’sD timeC uh uh
** I dGon’t knowD about you
butC im feeling 22Em
EverDything will be Calright if
youD keep me next to you
YouG don’t knowD about me
butC I bet you want toEm
EverDything will be alrigCht if
weD just keep dancing like we’re 22, 22
It Gseems like oneD of those nights
ThisC place is too crowDded
tooG many coolD kids
uh Cuh.. uh Duh..
It Gseems like oneD of those nights
WeC ditch the wholeD scene
andG end up dreamDing
instCead of sleepDing
( REPEAT * , ** )
INSTRU : GD|C|C|EmD ( 2 Times )
*** It Gfeels like oneD of those nights
WeC ditch the whole scene
It feels like one of those nights Em
WeD won’t be sleeping
ItG feels like oneD of those nights
YouC look like bad news
I gotta have yoEmu, I gDotta have you
( REPEAT ** )
INSTRU : GD|C|C|EmD ( 2 Times )
( REPEAT *** )